Tuesday, 14 June 2016

5 Major Benefits of Wearing Skull Cap Helmets

Whether you call it an accident container, mind basin or rash street anti-agents, a helmet is a vital element of your bike. With the rate of bike accidents that’s been happening in the past few years, the importance of skull cap helmets has only increased.

Head wounds cause the most fatalities and long haul handicaps with regards to cycling mishaps. Roughly 22 to 47 percent of cyclists experience head wounds, which are likewise in charge of 60 percent of all bicycle-related deaths. Some of the major advantages of wearing a helmet are:-

Skull Cap Helmets

Portraying an example

Adults, particularly guardians, who wear helmets when riding sets a reference point for children. A study distributed in 2010 found that from 2001 to 2003, only 48 percent of 5-to 14-year-olds wore helmets when riding. This age group is prone to most danger related to bike related wounds. More seasoned youngsters might be hesitant to wear helmets because they think that they look uncool or are uncomfortable. In the event that you don't wear one, your children will experience difficulty seeing the worth and significance of wearing a helmet.


Riding a bike in traffic poses great hazards. Frequently, mishaps happen in light of the fact that drivers don't see other cars or bikes. Novelty helmets with reflective strips can make you more noticeable to drivers, particularly in the afternoon or late at night. Also, wearing a bright coloured helmet will ensure that other drivers can see you from far.

Protection from weather

Suppose you are out on your bike, and you fall in the middle of a storm, you might regret the fact that you don’t have a helmet. Needless to say, wearing a helmet will ensure that you are protective from adverse weather conditions such as rain, storm or scorching heat.

Avoid fines

Almost every state has this law that if one doesn’t wear a helmet while they are riding a bike, they will get a ticket and incur a fine. Regardless of your age, if you make wearing helmets a habit, you don’t have to worry about getting these fines.

Prevention of brain injuries

We all know for a fact that our brain is the most important and yet delicate aspect of our body. If your brain gets damaged, it can have a catastrophic effect on your life. Precisely for this reason, wearing a helmet is highly beneficial in making sure that you don’t fall prey to any head injuries.

These days, helmets are not just limited to safety but the kind of designer helmets that is available. It can also help you make a fashion statement. There are numerous organizations that have been offering stylish helmets for years now.